Heart of the South West Trading Standards Service is led by the Head of Trading Standards, Business Support and Innovation.
Reporting directly to the Head of Trading Standards, Business Support and Innovation are:
- Operations Manager (Business Support and Innovation)
- Operations Manager (Intelligence and Investigations)
- Legal Process Manager
- Operational Support Team Manager.
Service teams
Most Managers oversee one or more teams within the service:
Operations Manager (Business Support and Innovation)
The Operations Manager (Business Support and Innovation) oversees the following:
- Business Development Manager, who oversees:
- The Buy With Confidence National Team: 3.5 full-time equivalent staff (FTEs)
Business and Rural Support Teams
- Overseen by the Business and Rural Support Group Manager.
- Regulatory Support Business and Commercial Team leg by a Team Manager: 8.9 FTEs.
- Regulatory Support Rural Team led by a Team Manager: 9.3 FTEs.
Operations Manager (Intelligence and Investigations)
The Operations Manager (Intelligence and Investigations) oversees the following teams:
Investigations and Compliance
- Overseen by Investigations and Compliance Group Manager.
- Two Regulatory Support Compliance Teams each led by a Team Manager: 13.5 FTEs.
- Investigations Team led by a Team Manager: 10.65 FTEs.
Intelligence and Performance
One Intelligence and Performance team led by a Team Manager: 7.8 FTEs.
Legal Process Manager
No team reports to the Legal Process Manager.
Operational Support Team Manager
One Operational Support team led by a Team Manager: 5.6 FTEs.
Total FTEs in the service: 65.25.