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Age restricted products

There are laws that restrict the sale of certain products and services to underage people. We offer advice and support to businesses in Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay to help them prevent underage sales.

The regulations around selling age restricted products can be complex so if you are in any doubt please contact us.

Businesses that are found illegally selling or supplying certain age restricted products can be prosecuted and may also lose their licence to sell certain products.

What products are age restricted?

This table shows which products are age restricted in the UK and how old the person has to be to buy them.

Age restricted productLegal age to buy
Adult fireworks and sparklers (category F2 and category F3 fireworks)18
Aerosol paint16
Botulinum toxin (Botox) and cosmetic fillers (England only)18
Christmas crackers12
Corrosive substances18
Knives, axes and blades18 (in Scotland, domestic knives can be sold to those aged 16 and over)
Lighter refills containing butane18
Liqueur confectionery (Scotland only)16
Lottery draw-based and instant-win (such as scratchcards and online instant win) games18
Party poppers and similar low-hazard low-noise fireworks (category F1) (except Christmas crackers)16
Petrol (covers both purchasing and dispensing)16
Vapes (legally known as nicotine inhaling products in England and Wales, and nicotine vapour products in Scotland)18
Video/DVD/gamesAs shown on certificate e.g. 12,15,18

The guides available below have more information, including key legislation, about age restricted products.

  • View guidance documents

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Free online training package

We are able to offer businesses one year’s free access to the Trading Standards South West No Proof of Age – No Sale online toolkit. This training package covers all age restricted products and gives clear guidance to businesses. It is normally only available by annual subscription, however, businesses in Devon, Plymouth, Somerset and Torbay can contact us for 12 months’ free access. Find out more about the toolkit.

Report underage sales

You can help stop the harm underage sales cause. If you see or hear of underage sales, report the to us to help us put a stop to them.

Report underage sales
