"*" indicates required fields 1New registration or amendment2Applicant details3Business details4Business activities5Declaration Is this an application for a new registration or an amendment to an existing registration?* New registration Amendment Full name of applicant*Address*Email address* Telephone number* Name of business to which this application relates*CPH/Holding no if applicableAddress of the premises where the activity requiring registration or approval is undertaken or to be undertaken (if different to address given on previous page) Approval activities A1: Manufacture/market nutritional additives A2: Manufacture/market zootechnical additives Choice A3: Manufacture/market antioxidants with maximum content in feeds specified in EC Regulation 1831/2003 A4: Manufacture/market carotenoids & xanthophylls A5: Manufacture/market proteins obtained from micro organisms belonging to groups of bacteria, yeast, algae & lower fungi A6: Manufacture/market products co-products of the manufacture of amino acids fermentation A7: Manufacture/market premixture containing vitamins A and D A8: Manufacture/market premixtures containing copper or selenium Registration activities R1: Manufacture/market feed additives (other than those subject to approval) R2: Manufacture/market premixtures (other than those subject to approval) R3: Manufacture/market bioproteins (“certain products”) not subject to approval R4: Manufacture Compound Feeds (other than those subject to approval) R5: Market Compound Feeds R6: Manufacture Pet Foods R7: Manufacture/Market Feed Materials R8: Transport feed and/or feed products R9: Store feeds and/or feed products R10: Mixing feed on farm with additives and premixtures R11: Mixing feed on farm with compound feedingstuffs which contain additives R12: Food businesses selling co- products of the food industry which are destined as feed materials R13: Livestock farms which do not mix feeds or mix feeds without additives R14: Arable farms growing feed materials Most premises will be registered under other official schemes and if this is the case no registration under the Feed Hygiene Regulation needs to be made.Do you dry your grain?* Yes No Please indicate by which method Naturally drying Air drying Solar drying Your name*Your position in the business*Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY Security checkIf you would like to see how we use your personal data please read our privacy notice.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ