We provide licences to individuals and companies who wish to store up to 2000kg (net weight) of explosives, including fireworks and shotgun cartridges. You cannot sell explosives unless you are licensed.
Apply for or renew an explosives licence
Download and complete the Explosives licence application form and return it, along with payment, to: Heart of the South West Trading Standards Service, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 4QD. Or you can send a scan of your form and plans/map to tradingstandards@devon.gov.uk.
Please read the guidance notes contained in the application form before you submit an application.
Information and guidance on explosives health and safety is available on the Health and Safety Executive website.
The current fees for a new explosives licence and renewal of an explosives licence are:
- £119 for a new storage licence (one year, up to 250kg net mass)
- £202 for a new storage licence (one year, 250kg to 2,000kg net mass)
- £59 for a renewal storage licence (one year, up to 250kg net mass)
- £94 for a renewal storage licence (one year, 250kg to 2,000kg net mass).
In some circumstances it is possible to obtain a storage licence for more than one year. Please contact us for further details.
Renewal applications must be received by 31 August, or the licence will be deemed to have expired, and you will be charged the full rate for a new licence.
Full details of fees can be found on The Health and Safety and Nuclear (Fees) (Amendment) and Gas Safety (Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2024.
Fireworks storage is covered by an explosives licence but they can only be sold during four limited periods in the year:
- 15 October to 10 November.
- 26 December to 31 December.
- On the first day of the Chinese New Year and the three days immediately preceding it.
- On the day of Diwali (Hindu New Year) and the three days immediately preceding it.
If you wish to sell outside of these times you must apply for a separate licence to sell fireworks all year round. This costs £500 per year.
Read our guide to the sale of fireworks, including licensing, categories of fireworks and age restriction.