Book a verification test
If you need equipment verified please complete our online form. Your details will be passed to your local weights and measures officer and they will arrange to visit you.
Our services fees include details of our standard calibration and testing prices.
Most types of weighing and measuring equipment used in transactions are legally required to be verified before they are used.
Verification involves checking the equipment for accuracy and making sure that it meets any design and installation requirements that may have been imposed on it.
Our weights and measures officers can carry out initial verification of a range of equipment, ranging from petrol pumps and shop scales to weighing equipment installations in factories. They can also re-verify all types of equipment after adjustment or repairs have been made.
Disqualification of equipment
Our officers also carry out unannounced inspections of equipment in use for trade. These inspections include businesses such as pubs, shops, petrol stations and factories. They have the power to disqualify any equipment that they find to be inaccurate or being improperly used.
They may apply a Crown sticker showing the Crown crossed through with a six-pointed star, or they may obliterate any Crown stamped seals on the item with a six-pointed star. It then becomes illegal to use the equipment again until it has been repaired and re-verified.